13 Women

Susan's new album 13 WOMEN was released March 2021 during Women's History Month. Noteworthy Music calls it "Stunning".


Thank you for visiting the site of singer-songwriter Susan Anders. There are some free downloads scattered throughout the site, please wander.

"Digs in and won't let you go."          
Chris Spector, Midwest Record

"A soulful, commanding voice."
The New Yorker      

''How come Susan Anders isn't a household name? She's a wonderful singer, an amazing songwriter, and just plain all-'round fine entertainer.'' East Bay Express

Susan's previous album was Loop de Loop: "Subtle, passionate lead vocals and lush, multi-layered harmonies." J. Poet, East Bay Express

I've Moved to Santa Fe! 

I've just moved to this beautiful town filled with creative lovely people. I'm walking distance to cafes, a river walk, buildings that are several centuries old, art galleries, and much more. I can't wait to explore this magical place. 

Once I'm settled I'll get back to recording my next album. I have piano and guitar down for most of the songs but had to take a break from production to pack up and move.

California Coast Music Camp 

I had so much fun teaching and performing at California Coast Music Camp in the beautiful Carmel HIghlands. I taught songwriting and vocal style. I performed songs from 13 WOMEN and tried out a couple of new ones. I'm not sure what was more fun: playing piano in the rock band at the dance, sitting in on Stevie Coyle's fingerpicking class, or sitting in on Ami Molinelli's percussion class. It's fun to perform and teach but it's really fun to be a student. Next week I head to Circlesongs in SF to study with the legendary Bobby McFerrin.

Persona Writing/Brittney Corrigan 

I heard Portland poet Brittney Corrigan read some of her lovely poems from her new book Daughters recently. In it she "reimagines characters from mythology, folklore, fairy tales, and pop culture from the perspective of their daughters". For instance there's a poem written from the perspective of Bigfoot's daughter that's great. She talked about "persona writing" and I realized that's what I did when writing the songs for 13 WOMEN: I inhabited those amazing women for a while.

At the Freight & Salvage, with Tom Manche and Renee Hayes. © 2018 Irene Young Photography

Bookers, deejays, reviewers: if you would like the link to Susan's EPK please contact us.

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Notes From Susan